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  • Writer's pictureLiberty Lemana


“Forgive and let justice roll down like water”.

Evil without conscience,

Set in high places,

Injustice leave no traces.

Humiliate, scandalize, ruin reputations,

Sow discord.

Pain, hurt, betrayal amongst the innocent,

They can afford.

Evil bids at the expense of others value.

Profit over prophecy,

Deceit over truth,

Adultery over loyalty.

These things set us apart,

“The Wages vs The Gift”

Humility is our strength.

Forgive and let justice roll down like water.

Righteous judgement is hear,

There is nothing left to fear.

When you have given your all,

The towers must fall.

Forgive and let justice roll down like water.

Tares will be gathered with the wheat,

Justice will be reaped.

Not of this world, but in it,

Fiercely we will finish.

Sow love and forgiveness,

And let justice roll down like water.

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